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Increasing Vaccine Confidence, Demand, and Uptake through Education, Communication, and Technical Assistance  


Karna has supported the Center for Disease Control’s ongoing efforts to increase vaccine confidence, demand, and uptake. We began supporting the CDC’s Vaccine Task Force (VTF) once the COVID-19 vaccine became available during the 2020 global pandemic. We conducted research to understand the knowledge, attitudes, behaviors, motivators, and barriers to vaccination. We then developed and implemented communication campaigns based on extensively tested materials and messages. In addition, we developed new tailored tools and resources to help increase confidence and uptake among specific populations.  

Our support of vaccine confidence has extended beyond the COVID-19 pandemic to include a comprehensive technical assistance (TA) approach for routine immunizations and outbreak responses. Karna helps improve existing or establish new vaccine confidence strategies, initiatives, and projects. In addition, Karna understands that vaccine equity and inclusivity ensure fair and equal access to vaccines for everyone. We help design and implement strategies through an equity lens to account for the unique needs of each community. These principles are fundamental for achieving broad vaccination coverage, controlling the spread of diseases, and improving public health outcomes.  



  • Identify communities with lower vaccination rates and/or lower vaccine confidence

  • Design tailored approaches to address factors influencing vaccine decision making

  • Identify trusted community messengers and connect them with credible information sources

  • Address mis/disinformation by providing clear, consistent, messages to trusted sources

  • Empower healthcare professionals to recommend vaccinations and engage in vaccine conversations



A Field Guide to Support the Work of Health Departments and Community Organizations

This COVID-19 Vaccination Field Guide presents 12 COVID-19 vaccination strategies adapted from evidence-based practices implemented nationwide to help increase vaccine confidence and uptake. This Field Guide also includes examples from communities and organizations that have used these strategies to help increase COVID-19 vaccinations. Each strategy addresses common barriers to getting a COVID-19 vaccine—structural, behavioral, or informational.