OADC Health Marketing and Communication Support Services

This contract is a blanket purchase agreement with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) Office of the Associate Director for Communication (OADC). It supports CDC’s Centers/Institutes/Offices (CIOs) and Programs in achieving and maintaining high quality performance in the areas of health communication, social marketing, media outreach, web, social media, evolving technologies, marketing and formative research, and evaluation. The period of performance extends through 9/28/2025. Specific task areas include:

  • Communication science and program planning

  • Product development

  • Partnership development and management

  • Database development and management

  • Web design, development, management and usability testing

  • Communication meeting and conference support

  • Technical assistance and training

  • Implementation and dissemination

  • Process, outcomes and/or impact evaluation

  • Project and account management

Please contact us at contracts@karna.com.


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