Warren J. Strauss, ScM

Quick Facts

  • 27+ years of experience in the public health sector, with an expertise in application of statistics and mathematical modeling

  • Serves as President of Karna, LLC

  • 678-861-4134 | wstrauss[at]karna[dot]com

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(678) 861-4134



  • Biostatistics
  • Public Health
  • Longitudinal Data Analysis
  • Environmental Health
  • Pediatric Health Program Evaluation
  • Epidemiologic Methods
  • Health Disparities
  • Maternal and Child Health
  • Public Health Informatics
  • Statistics
  • Study Design

I enjoy leading and growing talented teams focused on improving health outcomes through research and technical services, while creating a challenging, engaging, and fun work environment.

Warren Strauss serves as the President of Karna, LLC, with primary responsibility for managing and growing the business. He has nearly 30 years of experience in the application of statistical and mathematical models for problems relating to the fields of public health, healthcare, pediatric health, environmental exposure, and toxicology. He received his Sc.M. degree in biostatistics from the Johns Hopkins School of Hygiene and Public Health, where he developed methods for analyzing longitudinal data with nested clusters (data observed from sibling children living in the same household over time). His scientific work has involved conducting research in experimental design, regression analysis for correlated data, generalized linear models, and multivariate statistical methods. A particular focus of his research has been related to the design and analysis of data of longitudinal studies related to pediatric environmental health outcomes with a particular focus on those that affect minority populations disproportionately, including childhood lead poisoning, childhood exposure to pesticides, youth access and utilization of tobacco, monitoring of hazardous air pollutants, childhood obesity, and healthcare quality. He has published several manuscripts examining statistical methodology and health disparities.

Warren is an expert in developing new and innovative statistical design and analysis methodologies for healthcare and public health studies. Prior to joining Karna, he had a 24-year career at Battelle Memorial Institute, where he served as the Business Line Manager for the company’s work portfolio in Healthcare and Analytics while leading a team of approximately 150 technical staff engaged in statistical, healthcare and public health-related research, and delivering approximately $30M in client-sponsored research activities per year.

Warren also served briefly as the Vice President for Product Analytics at Root Insurance (a technology start-up company in the auto insurance industry), and as the Senior Vice President for Research and Innovation at Ventech Solutions – designing, managing and coordinating large research programs that are the focus of Ventech’s internal investments for growth.

Warren received his Bachelors of Science in Statistics and Biometry from Cornell University, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences.

He enjoys leading and growing talented teams focused on improving health outcomes through research and technical services. He believes in being mission-focused while creating a challenging, engaging, and fun work environment where people can reach their goals inside and outside of the workplace.